PET Scan Report
Friday, September 7, 2012
Dear Family & Friends,
This morning, I got the results of my PET scan. Although the Lord hasn’t chosen to heal me (yet!), the report is a good one. There has been “marked improvement” in the spots in my liver, and my lungs look “much, much better.” The tumor in my rectum has been termed “inactive,” and there is no more cancer growth. So, although the cancer isn’t gone, it has not grown. Not only that, it has shrunk, so the chemo is working. I will soon have another doctor’s appointment to discuss my options. I need the Lord’s direction in this. I know what I desire to do, but I do not want to lean on my own understanding but to seek the Lord’s mind in this matter.
Thank you to each of you for your continued prayers for me. I continue to be happy through this, and I believe that is a direct result of the many prayers going up on my behalf. Recently, I awoke in the middle of the night, and a deep heaviness overwhelmed my spirit. I was shocked as this has not been the norm for me. I spent some time praying and then did some reading. The Lord lightened my heart and helped me make it through the night (hey, that sounds like a line from a song!). ;) I am indebted to each of you for taking the time to think and to pray for little ol’ me. From the depths of my heart, I thank you!
Lovingly posted,
* Joanna has written a book published by the Sword of the Lord entitled, The Abundant Single Life. You can read about it and order it by clicking this link:
Everybody, married or single, needs to read this life-changing book written by one who has been there and done that, who is still there and still doing it!
Brother Parton
Timberline Baptist Church
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
When I Am Weak…
Dear Faithful Ones,
Last week was weak for me but still not incredibly hard. The doctors gave me the reduced amount of chemo again and discontinued one of the drugs due to the fact that it was making my fingers too numb. If they were to continue the drug, the damage could be permanent. There is a chance that it already is. I hope not as it makes playing the piano more difficult since my fingers can't feel which keys I am using.
I was still able to eat three meals daily and was also able to serve the Lord in my church on Sunday. As I reflected on my wobbliness and weakness on Sunday, 2 Corinthians 12:10 came to mind, “Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities...for when I am weak, then am I strong.” The Lord proved His strength through my weakness. How grateful I am for His grace!
My next step is to wait for my PET scan (Positron Emission Tomography) scheduled for Wednesday, September 5. The results of the scan will show the affects of the chemo and what our next step needs to be. Your continued prayers would be appreciated as we face such an unknown future.
I was blessed with some dear friends from Indiana visiting this weekend. The good-bye was hard as we contemplated the fact that this may be the last time I see them on earth. While I am not being negative nor am I giving up, cancer has reminded me that right now is all I have. Although that's true of all of us, cancer makes it more "in my face." I want to encourage you to enjoy today with those you love. Make every good-bye special. Cherish your "now" moments.
Tuesday (the 28th) is my dad's bladder cancer surgery. We need to be at the hospital at 6:30 a.m. Lord willing, the doctor will be able to remove all the cancer this time. This will be their third attempt at getting it all. We should be able to come home later in the afternoon since the operation is out-patient. I ask for your prayers for my father.
Again, I cannot thank you enough for your prayer support. Every note, message, or e-mail I get reminding me that you are praying for me is an incredible encouragement to my spirit. God bless and all!
With heart-felt gratefulness,
* Joanna has written a book published by the Sword of the Lord entitled, The Abundant Single Life. You can read about it and order it by clicking this link:
Everybody, married or single, needs to read this life-changing book written by one who has been there and done that, who is still there and still doing it!
Brother Parton
Timberline Baptist Church
Monday, August, 20, 2012
Counting My Blessings
Dear Faithful Ones,
Again, I cannot thank you for your continued prayers for me! I am truly humbled and grateful each time someone relays to me that he/she is still praying.
After my blood draw this past Friday, my nurse called to confirm that my platelets are high enough to have chemo. So, unless providentially hindered, I will be having my 12th treatment today, August 20. My dad's cancer surgery has been postponed a week (the 28th) due to my chemo. Two weeks afterwards, I will have a PET scan which will help us know what the next step is in my treatment.
Having my chemo canceled this last time was a disappointment, but having my cancer number go up was definitely the hardest report for me as it hasn't gone up this whole time. As I struggled to regain my focus, the Lord taught me a good lesson. I was thinking of all the things I haven't been able to do since my surgery and chemo. I cannot go door-to-door soul winning, visit my bus children, work full-time, etc. The Lord then prompted me to be thankful for the years He has allowed me to serve Him while healthy instead of focusing on what I can't do and haven't been able to do. My sister Jennie stopped by here for a few days and brought with her a Christian film entitled "Courageous." The story line has a family's nine-year-old daughter die in a car accident. As the father mourned for his daughter, he thought of all the things they will miss: the girl's graduation, her going to college, her getting married and having children. Later in the show, he comes to the place where he no longer focuses on what he has missed with his daughter but spends time thanking the Lord for the nine years he was blessed with her. It was interesting for me to see the lesson the Lord had given me the day before was the lesson in the video.
Oh, may I keep my focus on the blessing of the years I was able to serve the Lord while healthy. He has allowed me to continue to serve Him, just on a much more limited basis. I'm still blessed and thankful!
* Joanna has written a book published by the Sword of the Lord entitled, The Abundant Single Life. You can read about it and order it by clicking this link:
Everybody, married or single, needs to read this life-changing book written by one who has been there and done that, who is still there and still doing it!
Brother Parton
Timberline Baptist Church
Monday, August 13, 2012
Dear Prayer Warriors,
I was supposed to have my last chemo treatment today, but the doctor said that my platelet count is, once again, too low. This came as a great surprise to me since the last 2 chemos have been reduced due to my previous struggle. Also, I'm sad to report that my CEA number has gone from 4.9 to 5.2. This is the fist time it has gone up since my chemo treatments began. To say I am disappointed is an understatement. The doctor said that this is normal at this stage in the game, but I just wasn't prepared for any of this news.
I will reschedule my chemo for next Monday, the 20th. This complicates things even further due to my dad's bladder cancer surgery on the 21st.
I cried on the way home and then after I arrived home. I feel like I've been dealt a blow. Also, this is particularly hard on my folks. I'm working on my focus, for I know I need to keep my spirit right. I guess right now, it's a bit harder.
God is still good, and He still does good, and I choose to trust Him. Trusting Him does not ease the pain of today, though. I am remembering what I recently read that a testimony without a test really isn't anything. I want to keep my testimony right regardless of my health.
I do want to say this, if you are healthy, thank God for it. Don't take it for granted. If you can get up in the morning and go throughout the day without having to see a doctor, be grateful. You never know when the tables will turn.
Again, I thank you for your prayers. They are needed.
* Joanna has written a book published by the Sword of the Lord entitled, The Abundant Single Life. You can read about it and order it by clicking this link:
Everybody, married or single, needs to read this life-changing book written by one who has been there and done that, who is still there and still doing it!
Brother Parton
Timberline Baptist Church
Monday, August 6, 2012
Once again, JoJo writes:
Dear Faithful Ones,
As I sit here, I am amazed at the grace the Lord has given me these past 8 months! Although this year started off with my not knowing what was wrong with me but knowing that something definitely was wrong, the news I received was still shocking. Even though it hasn't been an easy road, it has been a blessed road. Did I ever think I'd say that about having cancer? Nope! But I can say it now.
Lord willing, next Monday, August 13, will be my last chemo, at least for a while. Of course, if the Lord heals me, it will be my last...period! We'll see what He chooses to do. I'm not looking forward to the chemo, but I'm looking forward to the fact that it is the "last." I need and want a break!
This weekend, I was again able to be fully involved in my church responsibilities amid my weakness and bits of wobbliness. One of my friends in the church walks me to and from my car. How thankful I am for such gestures of kindness which help my weary body!
With each successful stride, I am reminded how blessed I am to have others praying for me! Thank you! It's made all the difference in the world! Isn't the Lord good? We really don't have anything to complain about, do we? (And, yes, that includes me!) God is good...all the time!
Blessings to each of you!
* If you haven’t heard, Joanna has written a book published by the Sword of the Lord entitled, The Abundant Single Life. You can read about it and order it by clicking this link:
Everybody, married or single, needs to read this life-changing book written by one who has been there and done that, who is still there and still doing it!
Brother Parton
Timberline Baptist Church
Monday, July 30, 2012
11 Down!
Dear Prayer Partners,
I just arrived home from my 11th cancer treatment. They had my orders from the doctor so got right to me this time, which is a real blessing! I am very weak, wobbly, and a bit nauseated. I cried a little on the way home and then had a good cry when I got home. I think I just needed that. I'm not even sure why I was crying. I guess it was just time.
I have one more treatment, which should be in two weeks, Lord willing. Then, I will have a break for a while. This is a real blessing as we just got word that my dad's bladder cancer has returned. He will be having the tumor removed on August 21. How thankful I am the Lord waited for this to happen until my chemo treatments would be over so I can be there for my folks. Needless to say, this is heavy on our hearts.
The Lord is good and does good, and I can trust Him in all of this! Again, thank you for your prayers. I have been able to be fully involved in my Sunday and Wednesday service opportunities for the Lord, including the music and deaf ministry. I'm grateful beyond belief to you for your prayers, and I'm so thankful for the grace God gives to daily live. I am so blessed!
God bless each of you!
** Feel free forward this to your praying friends, and/or read it on our web site if you prefer.
If you would like to send any correspondence to Joanna via e-mail, send it to:
If you would like to send something through the mail, please send it to:
Joanna Jackson
Timberline Baptist Church
512 Canon Avenue
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Still praying with all our hearts,
Pastor Dan Parton
Timberline Baptist Church
Manitou Springs, Colorado
“Thou art good, and doest good; teach me thy statutes.”
Psalm 119:68
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Dear Faithful Prayer Partners,
After having to postpone chemo for 2 weeks due to my body's not being able to produce enough platelets and then white blood cells, my chemo dose was reduced. I definitely felt a difference! Although my energy was at basically zero for the week after chemo, I had no nausea at all. My energy this week has been better, so I am assuming that I will have chemo this coming Monday. This will be treatment #11. It's been a long haul, but I have experienced so many blessings that I cannot complain!
This week is Vacation Bible Time for our church. Because of the change in chemo schedule, I have been able to attend and be JOY Clown. What a privilege to be involved with the children of our church and community! I'm working just a couple hours in the morning and then coming home to rest in the afternoon. Again, how thankful I am for an understanding boss and church family who allow me to rest so I can be used of the Lord! When I arrive home after VBT, I'm exhausted, but it's a good exhausted. I long to be involved in our church's activities, so I am so grateful to the Lord for answering your prayers in allowing me to do what I can.
This past Sunday, we were able to make my book, The Abundant Single Life, available to our church family. We had several visitors who also purchased the book and told me they were praying for me. The family of God has overwhelmed me with their love and support. How truly blessed am I! Again, thank you for your love, care, concern, and prayers for me! I am eternally grateful!
Lovingly written,
** Feel free forward this to your praying friends, and/or read it on our web site if you prefer.
If you would like to send any correspondence to Joanna via e-mail, send it to:
If you would like to send something through the mail, please send it to:
Joanna Jackson
Timberline Baptist Church
512 Canon Avenue
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Still praying with all our hearts,
Pastor Dan Parton
Timberline Baptist Church
Manitou Springs, Colorado
“According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.”
Philippians 1:20
Monday, July 16, 2012
I am home now with chemo still attached but have finished my round at the hospital. It went well other than having to wait 1 1/2 hours before they got my chemo drugs. I'm wiped out but that is to be expected.
Even though I had 3 weeks off of chemo, my CEA number has continued to drop and is now at 5.7. Praise the Lord!
The Lord continues to give daily grace and help in time of need for which I am so grateful. Thank you for praying for me!
Lovingly posted,
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Dear Praying Friends,
On Monday, I arrived at the doctor's office only to be told they can't do chemo because my white blood cell count was 900, and, according to my doctor, it needs to at least be 1,500 for chemo. If they did chemo at 900, he said my white blood cell count would dip below 500 which greatly increases the risk for infection.
Speaking of infection, I've not felt good the last few days. The doctor figured it was because of the low white blood cell count. However, when I took my temp, it was 101, which means I may already be fighting an infection. As of this morning, my temp is lower but still elevated, and I'm having symptoms of a sinus infection.
Again, can't thank you enough for your prayers. Even though I was totally wiped out on Sunday, God gave me the grace to go to church, have our deaf Sunday School class, play the piano for both services, and help interpret for the deaf for both services. Thank you for your faithful prayers which God is answering, and thank You, God, for being a faithful God!
Lovingly posted,
Friday, June 29, 2012
Please forgive another update, but I had another change I need to share. My oncologist's (cancer doctor) secretary called, and my platelet count is too low to have chemo next week. So, I don't know when my next treatment will be. I will have to talk to my doctor to get more info so I understand everything. I was a bit disappointed as I'd like to get everything over with ASAP, but my mom reminded me that God is in control. Also, my sister Julie calmed some of my fears and said this may be God's way of giving my body a break. I think my mom and sis are right. God is still good, and He's still in control. I will trust Him no matter what! Thank you for praying for me!
Friday, June 29, 2012
Answer to Prayer
Dear Friends,
Unless Providentially hindered, I should be able to attend our church meeting on Monday. Today, I needed to get my blood drawn, and my nurse told me that I should not have chemo on Monday but instead on Tuesday. The reason being, they will be closed on Wednesday which is my normal day to be detached from chemo. My nurse said it would be ridiculous for me to be attached to an empty chemo pump for an extra day. I couldn't agree more!
So, Lord willing, I will be able to attend our church meeting on Monday without having to lie in the back on my pillows! Yippeeeee! So, my chemo will be on Tuesday, July 3, instead of Monday. Praise the Lord! Thank you for praying about this for me!
Please continue to pray for Pauline Fisher whose husband died suddenly. The funeral was today, and the family is really hurting.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Dear Praying Friends,
Many of you have faithfully prayed for me, and I am so grateful. I had asked you to pray specifically that I would be able to attend our Revival services. I was unable to go on Monday, which was my chemo day. I was just too wiped out. Thankfully, I was able to go on both Tuesday and Wednesday nights. It was, once again, a harder week due to the tiredness and nausea; but the Lord gave daily grace. Praise Him!
Monday as I reading in Leviticus, I came across where Moses was instructing Aaron to sprinkle sacrificial blood on different items in the tabernacle. I was thanking the Lord for the day and age in which I was born. Since chemo started, smells have been a bit harder to handle; and I thought of how awful the smells must have been in the Old Testament with blood on so many things. Yuck! Thank the Lord, Jesus' blood paid it all, and we no longer have to sacrifice animals! I also came across some verses that spoke on abominations to God regarding eating. But the verse that made me think "Yuck!" again was the verse that said God did not think it was abominable to eat beetles, locusts, and grasshoppers. Again, just makes me more thankful for the era in which I live! Sorry, I digress...
I do have another request for you. This coming Monday is our annual special meeting with a singing group from my alma mater. This is one of my favorite meetings all year! However, that is again my chemo day. I'd really enjoy being able to attend if at all possible, but I will need much grace to be able to do so.
Last night, as I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep, I thought of how happy I am and how my heart just feels light. I thought to myself that I shouldn't be feeling this way because of my health, but I honestly do feel that way. How is that possible? Of course, I believe God is giving incredible grace. Secondly, my parents have been troopers in taking such good care of me. How blessed am I! Additionally, I thought of my faithful prayer warriors who continue to lift my name in prayer to God. If I could give you a standing ovation, I would do so in a minute! You are being Aaron and Hurs in my life holding my "hands" up as I face the battle of cancer. You are making a marked difference in my life and making it possible for me to keep on keeping on! Thank you so very much!
The area in Colorado where our church is located is relatively close to the fires you may have recently seen on the news. Please pray that the Lord would dowse these fires soon.
One more while at work, our church received the most recent Sword of the Lord newspaper. Much to my surprise, they advertised my book they are publishing. How incredibly humbling and exciting at the same time! The book will be available by July 16 and is entitled "The Abundant Single Life." What a blessing and encouragement! Praise the Lord!
I am so grateful for each and every one of you! God bless you!
** Feel free forward this to your praying friends, and/or read it on our web site if you prefer.
If you would like to send any correspondence to Joanna via e-mail, send it to:
If you would like to send something through the mail, please send it to:
Joanna Jackson
Timberline Baptist Church
512 Canon Avenue
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Still praying with all our hearts,
Pastor Dan Parton
Timberline Baptist Church
Manitou Springs, Colorado
“According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.”
Philippians 1:20
Monday, June 18, 2012
Dear Prayer Warriors,
Today marks exactly 5 months since I received my cancer diagnosis. Although I cannot say I am happy I have cancer, for I would much rather be cancer-free again, I can say that I am happy while having cancer. The joy of the Lord has been my strength, and I’m thankful for the joy He has given me regardless of my health condition.
I had chemo today and was hoping to make it to church. I had scheduled my chemo for 9 a.m. to give me more of a chance to rest before church. Unfortunately, the hospital’s pharmacy didn’t get my chemo drugs to my nurse until 11 a.m. She had prepped me with the anti-nausea medicine and others that I needed prior to chemo, and then we just had to wait. My CEA count, which shows how the cancer is reacting to the chemo, went down to 9.1, so it is still declining, praise the Lord! I have three more treatments; and for my mental state, I would sure like it to get to three or under, which is the normal range for people without cancer. We’ll see what the Lord allows!
I did much better throughout the chemo than I did last time, praise the Lord! I am still very exhausted and weak and shaky. I was able to get a stronger anti-nausea medicine today. It has helped greatly! Sadly, I was unable to make it to our revival meeting tonight. I just didn’t have the strength to go. Although I am disappointed, I know the Lord has a reason for this, and I choose to trust Him.
I do have one more thing to add which may make this too long for some of you to read. For that, I apologize. Recently, we had the Lord’s Supper (Communion) at our church. Our pastor has stressed greatly throughout the years that Communion is for us to remember Jesus, not focus on ourselves or on our sin, but to focus on Him. The words "Do this in remembrance of Me" took on a special meaning for me this year. Jesus was asking us to on purpose remember Him. No one likes to be forgotten, and Jesus wanted us to remember His ultimate sacrifice for us.
When someone doesn’t forget someone, it can mean that they had forgotten but then a thought popped up in their minds, so they didn’t forget. But remembering is an on-purpose act. Just as Jesus said to remember Him, I thought of how I want people to remember me even though this sickness has lasted a long time and will continue for possibly a long time.
So to those of you who have on purpose remembered, thank you! I know you are going on with your daily lives, but thank you for remembering me and praying for me. Thank you for using those wrist bands as a reminder to pray for me. Thank you for not letting this diagnosis get old where you forget to pray for me. And thank you for the many precious cards, letters, e-mails, and comments made on Facebook or CaringBridge to encourage me along the way and to remind me that you’re remembering me.
Love you all and enjoy reading your responses. They are so very encouraging to me. Have a most wonderful week, my faithful ones! Thank YOU!
Lovingly submitted,
** Feel free forward this to your praying friends, and/or read it on our web site if you prefer.
If you would like to send any correspondence to Joanna via e-mail, send it to:
If you would like to send something through the mail, please send it to:
Joanna Jackson
Timberline Baptist Church
512 Canon Avenue
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Still praying with all our hearts,
Pastor Dan Parton
Timberline Baptist Church
Manitou Springs, Colorado
“According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.”
Philippians 1:20
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
News in JoJo’s own words, “No Sugar-Coating.”
Dear Prayer Warriors,
Please forgive the delay in my updating this site. Last week was chemo week. I’m not going to sugar-coat this update, so forgive me if you feel I’m too open about what happened.
As I took my chemo treatment on Monday, June 4, it started hitting my body very hard. My nurse even came in asking if I was okay. I’ve never had it hit me like this while undergoing chemo, so it took me off guard. As I left my hospital room, I tried to hold back the tears. When mom and I got in the elevator, she asked how I was doing. Tears started pouring out of my eyes, and I said, “Not very good.” I felt so awful! I can’t compare it to anything, for it’s unlike any feeling another sickness has given me. I’m sure other cancer patients know exactly what I’m talking about.
I cried all the way home. When I got home, my dad (who had stayed at home per my request to take care of my dog) asked how I was doing. I replied, “Not good,” and sat down on the couch and started bawling. Mom held me, and dad held my hand. How blessed I am with such a precious family! I had me a good cry and then rested.
The rest of the week, I slept so much. When I say “so much,” I mean it! I actually slept past 10 on three of the days! I was woken up either by my dog’s barking or by my mom. This is so unusual as I usually wake up around 7 or so. This made it evident that my body was totally wiped out!
Amid this very hard week, I was able to see a blessing. Our other church pianist had a hip replaced about a month and a half ago, so I was desperately needed at the piano. During the weeks I was needed, my chemo wasn’t nearly as difficult. Now, we have a college student home for the summer who is helping with the piano. Since she has been home, my chemo has been a bit harder. It was as if the Lord held off the hard side effects until someone could help me with my church piano responsibility. How wonderfully kind is that of our God?!
My CEA count went down only 1 point this past week, but the doctor said that is normal, and he wasn’t disappointed. I, of course, was a little disappointed but trust what the doctor said and will focus on the normality of my body’s response to chemo. Normal isn’t such a bad word now, is it?
I do have a special request I am going to ask you to pray about. This coming Sunday is Anniversary Sunday for our pastor and his wife and also for me. It will be their 22nd anniversary being at our church, and it will be my 20th. (I started working here at age 5!) ;) That evening, we start our Spring Revival services which will go through Wednesday. We are having men in our church do the preaching this year, which is a first for us to do for our Spring Revival. I’m excited about this and really want to attend. However, I have no idea how I will be able to since Monday (the 18th) is my next chemo treatment. Will you please pray that God will allow me the strength to attend our Spring Revival services? I so want to be a part of these! I think it will encourage the men who are preaching, our church people, and also me! Going to church is such a privilege, and I don’t want to miss a thing!
Thank you to each of you who are willing to take the time to mention my name in prayer. I am relying on the Lord and on your prayers to help me make it through this.
With MUCH gratitude,
** Feel free forward this to your praying friends, and/or read it on our web site if you prefer.
If you would like to send any correspondence to Joanna via e-mail, send it to:
If you would like to send something through the mail, please send it to:
Joanna Jackson
Timberline Baptist Church
512 Canon Avenue
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Still praying with all our hearts,
Pastor Dan Parton
Timberline Baptist Church
Manitou Springs, Colorado
“Thou art good, and doest good; teach me thy statutes.”
Psalm 119:68
Monday, June 4, 2012
Dear Super Faithful Pray-ers,
The Lord did it again! He gave me another good week. Of course, there was the usual weariness with the aftermath of chemo; but the second week afterwards is always better than the first! I was able to work 3 out of 5 days and able to attend church each service and do my duties at the piano and special music, as well as, with the deaf. Hip, hip, hooray! Also, my hands didn't hurt at all this Sunday as I played. I know that has somewhat to do with the chemo leaving my body, but I really think it's an answer to your prayers. Thank you so much! Ain't God good?
I was also able to attend a one-hour picnic on Saturday evening in honor of our two Timberline Baptist Academy graduates. Our Sunday evening service was also our graduation service with a fellowship to follow, which I got to enjoy as well. This is another answer to prayer as I have been able to go to only one other fellowship since December.
As I write this, I am at the hospital “enjoying” (yeah, right!) my eighth round of chemo. Although I am saying that a bit sarcastically, I really am thankful for the wisdom the Lord has given those in the medical field to help me fight this disease. If I were in another country, I could very well already be dead from this, so how can I complain at “having” to get another chemo treatment? Nope, no room for complaints here. Just a grateful heart!
My CEA number just went down one point to 10.1. Although my heart was a little disappointed at that, the doctor said that it was normal, and he was satisfied with it. Well, rarely have I been accused of being normal, so I take this as a compliment and will be content with a decreasing number. So much of this fight requires mind control. So glad the Lord helped me learn that as a single woman before I had to face cancer. It's not always easy, but it is doable!
As I've been reading my devotions, the Scripture has, once again, reminded me that there is no god like our God! How thankful I am to be saved and know the one true God! I can't imagine going through this diagnosis without Him. How blessed am I!
By the way, some of you have responded to me either via CaringBridge, this site, or via e-mail, and I want you to know that your words encourage and inspire me. You all have challenged me to be a better Christian. I am amazed how truly great it is to be a part of the family of God. I wouldn't want it any other way! God bless each and every one of you real good!
Lovingly written,
** Feel free forward this to your praying friends, and/or read it on our web site if you prefer.
If you would like to send any correspondence to JoJo via e-mail, send it to:
If you would like to send something through the mail, please send it to:
Joanna Jackson
Timberline Baptist Church
512 Canon Avenue
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Trusting God and asking for a miracle,
Pastor Dan Parton
Timberline Baptist Church
Manitou Springs, Colorado
“Thou art good, and doest good; teach me thy statutes.”
Psalm 119:68
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
God is Still Good!
Dear Faithful Prayer Warriors,
You will never know how thankful I am for those of you who choose to bring my name before our Almighty God! Thank you so much!
This past week after chemo was a bit more difficult regarding the nausea and the exhaustion, but I was still able to eat and hold everything down. I was able to make church last Wednesday. We have a college girl home for the summer, so she is plugged in to play the piano each Wednesday after my chemo so that I can focus on just making it to church. I was able to attend the whole service. I rested during the first half and was able to sit up during the preaching time.
Sunday brought the opportunity to play the piano. My hands are still very sensitive, so it was painful with each press of the keys. It doesn't matter to me though, for I'm so thankful to be able to not only be in church but to serve my Lord! I was also able to interpret half of each sermon, as well as, teach our deaf Sunday school class. Signing is not painful as is playing the piano, so that's another blessing! Oh, and I got to sing in a duet for special music. I haven't been able to do that since my surgery in January. Thank You, Lord!
This week, I have been able to go to work for about 6 hours on Tuesday. Lord willing, I will be able to go in on Thursday and Friday. Today, I am resting so I can make it to church tonight where, once again, I will be able to play the piano and do some interpreting for the deaf if the Lord be willing and the creek don't rise! =]
My CEA number was down from 19.1 to 11.1 this past week. Although the rate of decrease has lessened, it is normal and to be expected. How wonderful it would be if the Lord would take it down to the normal number (which I believe is below 3) and leave it that way the rest of my life. If that happens, it will ONLY be because of the Lord.
I remain encouraged and didn't struggle with my emotions as I did the past chemo. I'm sure this is a result of your kind prayers for me and God's graciousness to me. Again, thank you for being so considerate of this sinner saved by grace. May God bless each of you!
** Feel free forward this to your praying friends, and/or read it on our web site if you prefer.
If you would like to send any correspondence to JoJo via e-mail, send it to:
If you would like to send something through the mail, please send it to:
Joanna Jackson
Timberline Baptist Church
512 Canon Avenue
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Trusting God,
Pastor Dan Parton
Timberline Baptist Church
Manitou Springs, Colorado
“Thou art good, and doest good; teach me thy statutes.”
Psalm 119:68
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Dear Prayer Warriors,
How grateful I am to each of you who hold me up in prayer! How necessary it truly is!
The Lord gave me another good week. Again, I was very tired this week and ate less than I have been. However, I didn't throw up, so today marks four weeks since I last threw up. Amen! What a blessing! And in eating a little less, I only lost 1/2 a pound. Praise the Lord!
The Lord did give me the strength to go to church Wednesday and Sunday and play the piano for each of those services. I really love serving the Lord at my local church!
I had chemo today (Monday) and am home now and wiped out. Thankfully, my family takes good care of me, and my church family continues to provide our evening meal after chemo. I need to let you know that not only do I have chemo at the hospital every-other Monday, but they send me home with chemo for the next two days. So, I am actually being treated with chemo for three days via a port near my shoulder bone. That's one of the reasons why the following Wednesday and Thursday are typically my hardest days.
Nevertheless, I have nothing to complain about. I did have to have a regrouping of my thoughts today. Last week after hitting the half-way mark, I was encouraged. This morning, however, my thoughts went to the fact that I now have to repeat all that I've done since I had six more treatments. It's seemed like a bit of a long, hard road. I had to change those sad thoughts to ones of victory. I know some of this struggle is due to a loss of sleep because my dog was sick over the weekend. Thankfully, he's doing better, so I should get more sleep which will help my body and spirit!
Again, thank you for your prayers and concern for me. God is good...all the time!
Gratefully yours,
** Feel free forward this to your praying friends, and/or read it on our web site if you prefer.
If you would like to send any correspondence to JoJo via e-mail, send it to:
If you would like to send something through the mail, please send it to:
Joanna Jackson
Timberline Baptist Church
512 Canon Avenue
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Trusting the Lord and praying for a miracle!
Pastor Dan Parton
Timberline Baptist Church
Manitou Springs, Colorado
“Thou art good, and doest good; teach me thy statutes.”
Psalm 119:68
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Please, find below Joanna’s latest update (in her own words).
Delayed Update
Dear Prayer Supporters,
Please forgive the delay in the update. This past week of chemo was a bit more difficult for me. I had, it seemed like, over-sized fatigue that just wouldn't give me a break. I was able to go to church that Wednesday but had to lie down in the back of the auditorium for most of the service. (I take three pillows and lie in a pew. That allows me to see the preacher but still rest.) Thank the Lord for an understanding pastor and church family who allow me to be at church in a restful position! (Although, I must add, my pastor has teasingly called me Cleopatra because of it!)
Funny thing, my feet were not as painful, but my mouth was much more sensitive to cold. Just when I think I know how my body is going to react to chemo, it changes! Nevertheless, I have still been able to eat. I haven't been able to eat as much, but I haven't thrown up at all. What a blessing!
I also was able to attend church on Sunday. Sunday School was spent on my pillows on the back pew, but I made it through the morning service. I was also able to play the piano for both services and interpret half of the evening service for our deaf and blind man. Again, what a privilege that the Lord is allowing me to serve Him through chemo!
I have been able to go to work for two days this week so far. I haven't gone for eight full hours, but I've been able to get the work done that needed to be done. I like feeling productive!
The Lord continues to be gracious and overly kind to this undeserving saved sinner! Praise the Lord for what He's allowing in my life, and thank you for your prayers for me. I am forever grateful!
** You can forward this to your praying friends, and/or read it on our web site if you prefer.
If you would like to send any correspondence to JoJo via e-mail, send it to:
If you would like to send something through the mail, please send it to:
Joanna Jackson
Timberline Baptist Church
512 Canon Avenue
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Pray without ceasing!
Pastor Dan Parton
Timberline Baptist Church
Manitou Springs, Colorado
“Thou art good, and doest good; teach me thy statutes.”
Psalm 119:68
Monday, May 7, 2012
One More "Ting"
Today, we got the results of my blood work from last Friday. It shows that the cancer is continuing to respond to the chemo. My CEA count went from 33.3 down to 19.1. This number started out over 600, so this is just plain ol' encouraging. Glory to God great things He hath done!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
More Miracles to Report (in JoJo’s own words)
Good day to you, praying friends!
When my CaringBridge website was started, my sister set it up, and I told her she would have to keep it up because I didn't have the strength to make entries. Well, I've been able now to make several entries thanks to your prayers and the God you are praying to! =]
I had another miraculous week. Again, the Lord allowed me to be able to eat three meals a day without getting sick once! So, it has now been three weeks since I have thrown up. Gross thought to some of you, maybe; but a total miracle to me, especially in light to how I was the previous months!
Also, on Saturday, April 28, I was able to go out to eat and enjoy the whole meal for the first time since my surgery on January 26! I was even able to eat! Our family has gone out a few times since my surgery, and I've either slept at the table or had to go out to the car. I just had no energy, and I've never been able to eat much of anything. I was more enduring those meals instead of enjoying them. That all changed a week ago. How can that even be possible, I'm wondering. Only God could be making this possible! I whole-heartedly believe God is doing this because He is being undeservingly gracious to me, and because He is answering YOUR prayers!
I was also privileged to attend church today, play the piano for the services, and interpret part of the sermon for the deaf & blind man who comes to our church. To top it all off, chemo makes me so very shaky, and I usually have trembling hands at the piano as a result of the chemo. As I played today, my hands were basically totally steady-Eddy! Another miracle if you ask me!
Thank you for praying! I have my sixth chemo treatment tomorrow. I appreciate any and all of you who take the time to mention me to our Heavenly Father. YOU encourage me by your prayers. YOU are making a difference in my life, and GOD is listening to your prayers! How exciting is that?!
I don't like having cancer, but I sure like to see what God is doing! He is always (whether I'm sick with cancer and chemo or whether I'm healthy as a horse) so very good! I'm humbled by His kindness to me, and I'm humbled by your willingness to pray for me and your interest in me in my illness. Thank you so very much!
Lovingly & gratefully posted,
** You can forward this to your praying friends, and/or read it on our web site if you prefer.
If you would like to send any correspondence to JoJo via e-mail, send it to:
If you would like to send something through the mail, please send it to:
Joanna Jackson
Timberline Baptist Church
512 Canon Avenue
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Keep on praying ‘till light breaks through,
Pastor Dan Parton
Timberline Baptist Church
Manitou Springs, Colorado
“According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.”
Philippians 1:20
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Once again, JoJo has written her own update. Enjoy!
Dear Faithful Pray-ers,
The Lord gave me yet another amazing week! On Monday, I had chemo. I had the normal tiredness and bits of nausea, but I never threw up! Praise the Lord! Also, I had very hurting feet until Friday, but then it was over.
I was able to attend Wednesday service and play the piano. I didn't make it through the whole service and ended up having to go out to the car to lie down, but I was at least well enough to go for part. On Sunday, I was able to make it through Sunday school, the morning and evening services, and play the piano and interpret half of both services, as well as, all of Sunday school. This is totally miraculous! The grace the Lord is giving is such a blessing, and I am so undeserving!
Thank you all for praying for me! Lord willing, He will continue to give me strength and heal me completely. If you are healthy and were able to go to church on Sunday, count your blessings! As I have contemplated the past chemo treatments, I sat at the piano amazed that two months ago, there was no way I was able to make it to church right after chemo. How grateful I am to be able to go! Never take it for granted. It is a privilege to go to church and to serve the Lord!
“Thank You, Lord, for allowing me to be blessed by attending Timberline Baptist Church and for allowing me to serve You in song and sign language! What a blessing!”
Love you all!
Her next scheduled round of chemotherapy is Monday, May 7.
Joanna’s sister opened a CaringBridge page for her. There, you can read Joanna’s story, view photos, and leave messages for her. The link is:
If you have never visited CaringBridge before, you will need to sign up with your e-mail address and a password. It is free, and you won’t get bombarded with unwanted e-mails or advertisements from them. The sign-up is a nice security measure.
You can forward this to your praying friends, and/or read it on our web site if you prefer.
Once again, if you would like to send any correspondence to JoJo via e-mail, send it to:
If you would like to send something through the mail, please send it to:
Joanna Jackson
Timberline Baptist Church
512 Canon Avenue
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Encouraged and still praying for a miracle,
Pastor Dan Parton
Timberline Baptist Church
Manitou Springs, Colorado
“According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.”
Philippians 1:20
Monday, April 23, 2012
Dear Praying Friends,
Rather than my writing an update about Joanna, I am going to share with you what she sent to me today. You will be encouraged in every way!
Your friend in Manitou Springs,
Brother Parton
You will never know how grateful I am for your continued prayers and concern for me. I feel so undeserving but so very thankful!
Today, I am having my fifth round of chemo. My blood test results show that the cancer is still responding well to the chemo. My CEA number is down from 66 two weeks ago to 31.3. This number originally was over 600, and it shows that the cancer is responding. The doctor said my numbers are a normal response. It was actually nice to hear that I'm normal in some way!
I did get some clarity straight from the doctor as our research from a medical book was incorrect. He said that this number shows that all of the cancer is responding to the chemo, not just my rectal tumor. That was good to know, for my mind wondered if after 12 rounds of chemo when they did a CT scan if my rectal tumor would have shrunk, but the tumors on my lungs and liver decided to stay the same.
The rest of my week after my fourth treatment and this past week proved to be nothing short of miraculous! I still did not throw up again, and I continued to be able to eat 3 meals a day. Folks, THAT is NOT normal for chemo patients! Hey, I can't be normal in too many areas, or it wouldn't be me! I look at this as a direct answer to prayer and God's willingness to be gracious to me once again. Because of this, I have gained 2 1/2 pounds. Now, normally I would not be happy about gaining weight, but I had lost almost 20 pounds from my surgery and the beginning of chemo. So, I need to put on some extra weight. So, let's just praise the Lord for a while! (Let's all sing together, "Joanna's getting fatter! Joanna's getting fatter!")
The Lord also gave me the grace to make it to church both Wednesday nights and both Sundays. The first Wednesday, I was there for the last half of the service; but the other church days, I was there for the whole service. Both Sundays and this last Wednesday, I was able to play the piano for church. I also was able to interpret part of the messages on each Sunday, and we had our deaf Sunday school class two weeks in a row. If you knew how weak I am, you would understand my rejoicing in this. People help me up and down the stairs and to and from the car, but the Lord's letting me serve Him with my favorite church family and with our wonderful staff made up of the Partons and the Penns thrills my soul. How blessed I am!
So thank you, once again, for your prayers. God IS hearing, and He IS answering. Now, I have no idea what the future holds. I don't know if after this treatment I will be sick as a dog or be able to eat again like the past two weeks. Regardless of what happens, we have a good God who loves me and wants what's best for me. One of the comforting thoughts I came across in my Bible reading recently was Hebrews 7:26, “For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens.” As harmful and hurtful as cancer and chemo may seem to me, I am so thankful that my sweet Saviour is harmless. He will never harm me, so this cancer and chemo are refining tools for me and others and not meant to cause me harm. Praise the Lord!
God bless each and every one of you; and thank you, thank you, thank you for your prayers. They mean the world to me!
Please, keep on beseeching God on JoJo’s behalf. You can forward this to your praying friends, and/or read it on our web site if you prefer.
If you would like to send any correspondence to JoJo via e-mail, send it to:
If you would like to send something through the mail, please send it to:
Joanna Jackson
Timberline Baptist Church
512 Canon Avenue
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Keep on praying for a miracle,
Pastor Dan Parton
Timberline Baptist Church
Manitou Springs, Colorado
“According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.”
Philippians 1:20
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Dear Praying Friends,
First of all, I would like to offer a great big ol’ PRAISE THE LORD for what I get to share with you today! Once again, the CEA (Carcinoembryonic Antigen) numbers are lower. At first, they were nearly 500. The last update showed that they were down to 333. Yesterday, they were down to 65.6! The normal range is from 0-4, so she still has a ways to go, but we are all extremely encouraged. (Joanna said that it made her and her mom cry tears of joy!) CEA numbers show that the rectal tumor is responding to the chemotherapy. The CEA numbers ONLY reflect how the rectal tumor is responding. The only way to know about the tumors in her lungs and liver is to do another CT scan.
Please, pray that Joanna doesn't get sick from something other than the chemotherapy. She knows she can have a good week if she can stay away from all other bugs.
I know this update encourages many of you, so just keep on beseeching God on JoJo’s behalf. You can forward this to your praying friends, and/or read it on our web site if you prefer.
If you would like to send any correspondence to JoJo via e-mail, send it to:
If you would like to send something through the mail, please send it to:
Joanna Jackson
Timberline Baptist Church
512 Canon Avenue
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Still praying for a miracle,
Pastor Dan Parton
Timberline Baptist Church
Manitou Springs, Colorado
“According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.”
Philippians 1:20
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Dear Praying Friends,
I love sharing good news with you! It certainly encourages all of us to know that the Lord is hearing our cries. As the Psalmist said, “Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer. From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed...” (Psalm 61:1-2)
Joanna was able to come to to church this past Sunday. She was able to be here for Sunday School and the morning and evening services. She played the piano for both services and also interpreted the morning service for the deaf! She said it felt good to be able to do what she loves to do. I agree. She also came in to the office Monday afternoon and put in a full afternoon of work here at the church. She left tired but fulfilled. That’s a good thing, don’t ya think?
Her plans for the rest of the week are optimistic. She is planning to attend a baby shower for one of our brand spankin’ new mommies this evening (4/3/12), and to be in church tomorrow evening playing the piano for the Wednesday Bible study. To top it off, she wants to come in on Thursday to work on church finances and the bulletin for Sunday. Though she is not pushing herself beyond her ability, she is pushing herself to do all that she is able to do. This is admirable!
Her next scheduled round of chemotherapy is Monday, April 9.
Joanna’s sister did a good thing on Joanna’s behalf; she opened a CaringBridge page for her. There, you can read Joanna’s story, view photos, and leave messages for her. The link is:
If you have never visited CaringBridge before, you will need to sign up with your e-mail address and a password. It is free, and you won’t get bombarded with unwanted e-mails or advertisements from them. The sign-up is a nice security measure.
You can forward this to your praying friends, and/or read it on our web site if you prefer.
Once again, if you would like to send any correspondence to JoJo via e-mail, send it to:
If you would like to send something through the mail, please send it to:
Joanna Jackson
Timberline Baptist Church
512 Canon Avenue
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Encouraged and still praying for a miracle,
Pastor Dan Parton
Timberline Baptist Church
Manitou Springs, Colorado
“According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.”
Philippians 1:20
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Dear Praying Friends,
Things went okay yesterday other than the fact that the doctor hadn't sent up her orders for chemo, so they weren't planning on her being there. On Friday, she had asked the schedulers at the doctor's office if she needed to call, and they said “no” and that they would send up her orders. That mishap cost the Jacksons about two hours. Her appointment was scheduled for 9:45, and she got started with the chemo around 11:00. However, she was grateful the pharmacy had the drugs for her to be able to use.
Joanna says, “I am definitely feeling it in my fingers and toes—they're all prickly.” She goes on to say, “Thank you for your love, prayers, and concern for me.”
You will be happy to know that Joanna was able to be in all the services this past Sunday. She played the piano for both the morning and evening services. She also played the offertory with her mom on Sunday morning, a lovely piano & organ duet. She done real good!
Thank you for your prayers on Joanna’s behalf. Thanks for your prayers for all of us here at Timberline during this time of our waiting on the Lord. Your cards, gifts, letters, e-mails, and monetary gifts have been greatly appreciated more than you will ever know on this side of Glory! I wish I could answer each e-mail sent to me, but that is becoming more and more difficult. I’m sure you understand.
You can forward this to your praying friends, and/or read it on our web site if you prefer.
Once again, if you would like to send any correspondence to JoJo via e-mail, send it to:
If you would like to send something through the mail, please send it to:
Joanna Jackson
Timberline Baptist Church
512 Canon Avenue
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Encouraged but still praying for a miracle,
Pastor Dan Parton
Timberline Baptist Church
Manitou Springs, Colorado
“According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.”
Philippians 1:20
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Dear Praying Friends,
In my hurriedness to get the latest update on Joanna posted to this site, I neglected to include a prayer request from her. Please, forgive this unintentional oversight on my part. Below is her request in her own words.
Pastor Dan Parton
“Also, if any of you would be willing to add Dan & Pat Hawtree to your prayer list, that would be a blessing. They have faithfully served the Lord as full-time Evangelists for over 40 years. Mrs. Hawtree has a tumor and has been treated with chemo for 2 years now. She has hit a physical low, and they are in need of a miracle. They are truly two of the best Christians I have ever known!”
Friday, March 23, 2012
Dear Praying Friends,
There is some good news to share with you! Joanna went in today for her doctor appointment before her next chemotherapy scheduled for Monday. She had been having some serious respiratory problems unrelated to the tumors in her lungs. When she went in for that, they took X-rays of her lungs. Well, those X-rays revealed that the tumors in her lungs are responding to the chemo and have gotten smaller! Praise the Lord! I believe those tumors are responding to your prayers!
Also, her CEA (Carcinoembryonic Antigen) numbers are lower which means her rectal tumor is responding to the chemo as well. (CEA values are helpful in monitoring the response to therapy and in determining whether the cancer has recurred.) At first, her numbers were near 500. Today, they are 333! She tells me that her pain level is at a minimum.
They told her today that the reason for her total lack of energy is possibly because her blood pressure dosage is too high. So, they cut her dose in half in order to help remedy that problem.
She has lost a considerable amount of weight in this whole process, but found out today that she has gained a pound. Believe it or not, that is good news!
It is so good to share some encouraging news with you. Keep on keeping on in your prayers on Joanna’s behalf. You can forward this to your praying friends, and/or read it on our web site if you prefer.
Once again, if you would like to send correspondence to JoJo via e-mail, send it to:
If you would like to send something through the mail, please send it to:
Joanna Jackson
Timberline Baptist Church
512 Canon Avenue
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Praying for a miracle,
Pastor Dan Parton
Timberline Baptist Church
Manitou Springs, Colorado
“But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.”
1 Peter 5:10
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Dear Praying Friends,
On Monday, March 12, Joanna had her second round of chemotherapy. According to her, all went well, thank the Lord!
She says she’s bit fearful about the next couple of days since they were so difficult the last time, and they say it only gets worse as the treatments continue. She has been experiencing cold sensitivity in her fingers which didn't require cold for them to react to at first. She says it doesn't feel like numbness; instead, it feels like cactus prickles going into the top half of each finger. As of today, this sensation has eased up some.
Joanna said she slept very well last night and only struggled with nausea and sweats once through the night. In her own words, “It was probably the best night's sleep I’ve had in a long time!” Today, she is understandably tired, and her throat is really sore. She says, “I'm not complaining though, because it was so much worse for the past two weeks!”
So many of you have made Joanna the special emphasis of your prayer-life. Please, continue to pray on purpose, with purpose, and as the Lord would prompt you throughout the day. We’re just not out of the woods yet.
I’ll keep you informed as more information becomes available. You can forward this to your praying friends, and/or read it on our web site if you prefer.
Again, if you would like to send correspondence to JoJo via e-mail, send it to:
If you would like to send something through the mail, please send it to:
Joanna Jackson
Timberline Baptist Church
512 Canon Avenue
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
That’s all for now. Still praying for a miracle,
Pastor Dan Parton
Timberline Baptist Church
Manitou Springs, Colorado
"It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:22-23
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Joanna had gone to the ER on Sunday afternoon with extreme diarrhea, continued pain, and nausea. Well, she was able to go home Wednesday afternoon, thank the Lord! She even came to church last night and played the piano! She has missed so much being able to serve the Lord like she did before her diagnosis. She stayed for the whole service but went home at invitation time due to more nausea.
As of this writing, her pain level seems to be well-controlled, praise the Lord!
She will have her next chemotherapy treatment on Monday, March 12.
Let me once again thank you for all the prayers. They mean so very much to JoJo and her family. Your prayers for the rest of us are also very much appreciated! The e-mails, cards, letters, flowers, and gifts have been quite overwhelming. The monetary gifts have been more of a blessing than you may ever know on this side of Glory!
When there is more news to share, I will be sure to let you know.
Still praying for a miracle,
Pastor Dan Parton
Timberline Baptist Church
Manitou Springs, Colorado
"It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:22-23
Monday Evening, March 5, 2011
Dear Praying Friends,
Earlier today, I sent you an update on the latest news concerning Joanna Jackson. The purpose of this update is to let you know what we have learned since that writing.
While visiting with Joanna at the hospital this afternoon, the Lord brought Dr. Logston by with additional information which I am going to share with you now. I say "the Lord brought Dr. Logston by" because he was not scheduled to be where JoJo is until tomorrow.
Dr. Logston asked Joanna to tell him exactly how and what she had been feeling. She shared with him the details I mentioned to you earlier today. He said that her symptoms were partly because of the growth of the tumors in her liver. The fact that the tumors were substantially larger was not a great concern to him in that her last CT scan was in January, and this is now March. She has had only her first round of chemotherapy, and the growth of the tumors was to be somewhat expected at this point. It was simply too early in the process to make any concrete determination. This was a tremendous relief to all of us. You can only imagine how much!
Perhaps the most significant thing he said was that her liver functions are normal showing that her liver is still functioning properly. Praise the Lord!
He also said that they would give her something to help with the extreme diarrhea and nausea. This made all of us happy especially Joanna! JoJo will remain in the hospital for a couple more days.
That is all I have as of this evening. Obviously, she is nowhere near out of the woods yet and still desperately needs our prayers.
Thank you for any prayers that have been offered on her behalf. It is my prayer that God will hear us when we pray, "Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer. From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I." (Psalm 61:1-2)
We're asking God for a miracle, "The things which are impossible with men are possible with God." (Luke 18:27)
Your friend in Manitou Springs,
Pastor Dan Parton
Monday Morning, March 5, 2012
Dear Praying Friends,
I need to get this out to you as soon as possible. Joanna was taken to the emergency room on Sunday afternoon with extreme diarrhea, continued pain, and nausea. Having examined her, she was admitted to the hospital. A chest X-ray and CT scan were ordered to determine whether or not there were an infection that was causing her continued fever. She was hooked up to a heart monitor for the night. She slept for part of the night but woke up with extreme diarrhea once again.
The results from the CT scan and X-ray are in, and there was not an abscess of any kind, but the report is not good.
From Joanna’s sister Jennie via text: Just got the report from the CT scan, and it is not good news. The tumors in Joanna's liver have grown substantially, which is what's causing her to be so sick right now. There is no infection. Haven't actually spoken with the doctor again yet so don't know if they'll have a different plan of action now due to this increase.
I asked Jennie, “Can you tell me what ‘The tumors in Joanna's liver have grown substantially’ means in more detailed terms?”
Jennie wrote back, “Not really. There is a detailed report with measurements past and present of 4 masses that are much larger. You can read it next time you come up if you want. The actual wording is ‘the hepatic metastatic disease is markedly progressed since the previous study. All of the patient's hepatic masses throughout both the right and left lobes have increased in size substantially since the previous study.’”
Hearts are very heavy right now. Please pray for JoJo and her family. I think the rest of us could use your prayers as well.
I’ll keep you informed as more information becomes available. You can forward this to your praying friends, and/or read it on our web site if you prefer.
Your friend,
Pastor Dan Parton
Manitou Springs, Colorado
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Joanna’s first chemotherapy treatment was yesterday (Monday, February 27). Every two weeks, Joanna will go through the same routine. She will go into the hospital where they will access her veins through her port. She will carry home with her a * portable pump that will slowly administer the chemo over the next two days. Then she will go back to the hospital and have it removed. The chemo is not the same regimen that is given to breast cancer patients, so she will not be losing her hair for quite awhile. Dr. Logston said that most people are able to go through this type of chemotherapy and still continue to work.
I did receive this note from Joanna on Monday evening after she was finished with her treatment. “Hey, we're on our way home. I wanted to let you know that the chemo makes me cold-sensitive, meaning I can't drink cold stuff or touch cold stuff because it will make those areas exposed to cold to feel like they are numb. They said if I drink cold stuff, it will make my throat feel like it is closing up even though it's not. For example, when we walked outside to get in the car, the air was brisk, and my fingertips immediately started to tingle and feel like little pins were going in them. Also, the nurse said the steroids they gave me today will make me feel more energetic for about 48 hrs, and then it will feel like I got hit by a truck. Well, I'd like to play the piano Wednesday, but the Lord is going to have to help me make it through that. I'd love for people to pray that I can play for church Wednesday. We'll see. So, it sounds like the worst of this chemo is about two days down the road. =( Thanks for everyone's love and concern!”
This morning, I received this note from Joanna’s sister. “Joanna got up at 1:30 A.M. with nausea but didn't heave. And up at 5:30 A.M. with pain. She said the * pump makes a little noise every now and then which disturbs her sleep but doesn't totally wake her up. She said she feels "different" today but can't describe it. She ate quite a bit last night which made us happy.”
Thank you for remaining interested and prayerful concerning Joanna. Your praying for her means everything. This chemotherapy treatment is the first of twelve to be administered over the next six months.
Again, if you would like to send correspondence to her via e-mail, send it to:
If you would like to send something through the mail, please send it to:
Joanna Jackson
Timberline Baptist Church
512 Canon Avenue
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
That’s all for now. Thank you, and God bless you,
Pastor Dan Parton
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Dear Praying Friends,
First of all, let me thank you for asking how Joanna is doing these days. As with anything like this, there are days that are just days. There has not been anything really new to send to you, but I wanted to send you something.
JoJo had the staples from her colostomy surgery removed on Monday, February 13. She has had some sick days and even ran a fever for a while. She still suffers from quite a bit from nausea. Her pain is very real. Her meds help some, but there is a lot of discomfort and intense pain still yet.
Some may have thought the tumor in her rectum was removed; it was not. The colostomy did not, nor was ever intended to, make the pain subside.
She will begin her first round of chemotherapy on Monday, February 27. It will be administered through the port that was implanted in her upper chest. She will have twelve rounds of chemo over the next six months.
As Joanna’s pastor, I am very grateful for all the thoughtfulness so many of you have showered upon her. From e-mails to monetary gifts, all are necessary and very important to her. To see the kindnesses you have expressed has blessed my heart as well. Your prayers are invaluable!
That’s about it for today. Again, if you would like to send correspondence to her via e-mail, send it to:
If you would like to send something through the mail, please send it to:
Joanna Jackson
Timberline Baptist Church
512 Canon Avenue
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Thank you, and God bless you,
Pastor Dan Parton
"He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds."
Psalm 147:3
Wednesday, February 3, 2012
Dear Praying Friends,
I wrote earlier that Joanna is going home from the hospital today. These are the facts as we know them today:
Her bone scan isn't back yet.
She has Stage 4 metastasized cancer to her liver and lungs.
She will see the surgeon in ten days when he will remove her staples on February 13.
She will see the oncologist on February 7 to get results of the PET scan.
There is no way possible to properly thank you for your continued prayers for Joanna. Just suffice it to say that all of us here at Timberline are very grateful for them.
Your friend,
Pastor Dan Parton
"It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:22-23
Wednesday, February 3, 2012
Dear Praying Friends,
I just spoke with JoJo's mother, and Joanna is being discharged from the hospital even as we speak, but her oncology appointment is being rescheduled because the PET scan results are not in yet. They will keep me posted.
I thought you'd want to know.
Your friend,
Dan Parton
Manitou Springs, Colorado
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Dear Praying Friends,
There has not been anything new to share with you since my last correspondence, but there is some good news to share with you as of just a few minutes ago. It looks as if Joanna will be able to go home from the hospital tomorrow (Thursday)! To say the least, she is very happy about this.
Dr. Chambers did share the results of her liver biopsy with her today. There is nothing new to tell, only that cancer is present in it. She may have the results of the PET scan tomorrow as well.
Again, thank you for the prayers you have earnestly and sincerely offered on Joanna's behalf. Many of you have also prayed for those of us here at Timberline. For that, we are very grateful.
I'll send more news when it becomes available.
Your friend in Manitou Springs,
Pastor Dan Parton
"Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me."
Psalm 119:133
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Dear Online Friends,
Joanna got out of surgery about 3:15 PM. Dr. Chambers said that the colostomy could not have gone better, praise the Lord! He also inserted a port in her upper chest that will be used later on for the chemotherapy.
Dr. Chambers said that the tumor in her rectum is the size of a grapefruit. The extreme pain that she has been experiencing is not from a bowel obstruction due to the tumor. It is nerve pain that she has been experiencing and will need to go to a pain clinic.
He also took four biopsies of her liver. She will be in the hospital here for a few more days.
Some have already asked which hospital she is in:
Penrose Main
2222 N. Nevada
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
She is in room 928.
Again, thank you for all of your prayers on Joanna's behalf. We're praying for a miracle.
Your friend in Manitou Springs,
Pastor Dan Parton
One ship sails East,
And another West,
By the self-same winds that blow,
'Tis the set of the sails
And not the gales,
That tells the way we go.
Like the winds of the sea
Are the waves of time,
As we journey along through life,
'Tis the set of the soul,
That determines the goal,
And not the calm or the strife.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Dear Online Friends,
Many of you have asked to be kept up-to-date with what is happening with Joanna. Her colostomy is scheduled for tomorrow (Thursday) morning at 10:00 MST. Afterwards, she will stay in the hospital at least until Sunday, maybe longer.
She had a PET scan this morning. No results at this time. As a precaution, Dr. Logston ordered a PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scan for Joanna to check to be sure her bones are clear of cancer. Typically rectal cancer moves from the rectum to the lymph nodes, to the liver, and then to the lungs. It sometimes goes from there to the bone and rarely to the brain. It is important to know whether or not the cancer has invaded her bones in order to prevent any further complications.
She is in good spirits and is so grateful for your prayers on her behalf. For those of you who have prayed for her yet never met her, I have attached a photo so you can place a face on your prayers.
Once again, thank you for your prayers.
Your friend in Colorado,
Pastor Dan Parton
"Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me."
Psalm 119:133
Friday, January 20, 2012
Dear Online Friends,
Please accept my apology if this information is redundant. There's a lot of friends to contact.
Our appointment on Friday afternoon with Joanna's oncologist went very well. Dr. Logston was raised Southern Baptist and seemed very sensitive to Joanna's needs. She was very open about telling him that she had been praying the Lord would lead her to the right doctor. He seems to be very kind and gentle, and the kind of person who would be willing to listen to you. He spent over an hour with the six of us. I will give you a brief overview of that meeting and welcome you to pass it on to others you have asked to pray.
The results of the biopsy were undetermined, and Dr. Logston said this is sometimes the case with a tumor in the rectum. They cannot go too deeply because of the risk of causing a bleed. He asked Joanna's permission to have her surgeon, Dr. Chambers, take biopsies of her liver while he has her opened up next Thursday to do the colostomy. They have to have a definite positive for cancer in order to start the chemotherapy.
As a precaution, Dr. Logston ordered a PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scan for Joanna to check to be sure her bones are clear of cancer. Typically rectal cancer moves from the rectum to the lymph nodes, to the liver, and then to the lungs. It sometimes goes from there to the bone and rarely to the brain. It is important to know whether or not the cancer has invaded her bones in order to prevent any further complications.
Chemotherapy will start approximately four weeks after her surgery. There is a chance that they may decide to start it sooner and simply not include the one drug that causes problems with healing, but that has not yet been decided. Every two weeks, Joanna will go through the same routine. She will go into the hospital where they will access her veins through her port. She will carry home with her a portable pump that will slowly administer the chemo over the next two days. Then she will go back to the hospital and have it removed. Dr. Logston spent much time explaining the different drugs and their side affects. The chemo is not the same regimen that is given to breast cancer patients, so she will not be losing her hair for quite awhile. He said that most people are able to go through this type of chemotherapy and continue to work. It sounded as though the main side affect would be fatigue.
Dr. Logston said that she will get regular scans about every 2-3 months. Typically, the chemo will begin to shrink the tumors, and, after an undetermined amount of time, the cancer will become resistant to it. Then a stronger dose of chemo will be given until the cancer becomes resistant to it. This cycle goes on for 3-4 times until the cancer no longer responds to the chemo. During these cycles there may be times when her scans show that she is cancer free and able to discontinue the chemo for how ever long she remains cancer free. He said that these cycles last anywhere from 2-5 years depending upon the individual patient. He said that the chemo will not cure this cancer.
Thank you for your fervent prayers for Joanna. Many of you has said that you are also praying for the rest of us as well. You will never know on this side of Heaven what that means to all of us.
In the meantime, if you would like to send correspondence to her via e-mail, just send it to:
If you would like to send something through the mail, please send it to:
Joanna Jackson
Timberline Baptist Church
512 Canon Avenue
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Thank you, and God bless you,
Pastor Dan Parton
"He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds."
Psalm 147:3
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Dear Online Friends,
After meeting with Dr. Chambers, Joanna's surgeon, earlier today, I have the following information for all you:
Dr. Chambers meeting with Joanna on 1/19/12 at 10:30 AM:
Dr. William C Chambers, M.D., practices general surgery in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Dr. Chambers graduated with an M.D. 30 years ago.
Dr. Chambers said that Joanna's cancer is called an adenocarcinoma of the rectum. The cancer spread from her rectum to the lymph nodes, then metastasized in her liver and both of her lungs. The term metastasis simply means the spread of a disease from one organ or part to another non-adjacent organ or part.
Dr. Chambers was very kind and gentle as he explained Joanna's condition to her. He allowed us to view the results of Joanna's CT scan and explained them to us. He said that the large primary tumor in her rectum is 3-4 inches large. Her pain may be due to the amount of waste backing up behind the tumor and filling the rectum. The other cause for her pain may be that the tumor is pressing on some nerves in her rectum. He gave her a prescription for Percocet which is used to relieve moderate to severe pain.
He scheduled Joanna for a colostomy bag next Thursday, January 26, around 10:00 A.M. Hopefully this will help in her pain management, but it is necessary because of the swelling that will come to the colon during chemotherapy.
During the same operation, Dr. Chambers will insert a port to be used for chemotherapy. This will drastically cut down on the amount of times Joanna would have to be poked with a needle.
As we continued to look at Joanna's CT scan, Dr. Chambers showed us multiple lesions in her liver. He used the word lesions in most cases, but pointed out a rather large tumor in her liver. I've copied the definition for lesion, hoping you may find it helpful.
"Lesion" is a general word for a tissue abnormality. Liver lesion is a term doctors use for abnormal areas noted on an imaging test of the liver. Most often, liver lesions are seen on an ultrasound, computed tomogram (CT) scan, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan.
The term "liver lesion" is a general term. Liver lesions could be anything from harmless cysts in the liver, to areas of cancer spreading from the colon or breast. The appearance of the lesions on imaging, as well as other diagnoses and test results, can often help explain the cause of liver lesions. He also showed us multiple tumors in both of Joanna's lungs.
Although Dr. Chambers is a surgeon and said we will get a better picture of what we are up against tomorrow from the oncologist, he said that Joanna's cancer is a stage 4 cancer. He said she will need chemotherapy and possibly radiation. The goal is to have the chemotherapy reduce the cancer to a stage 1 contained in one the the areas of her body. If Joanna responds well to the chemotherapy, and they are able to confine the tumors to one area, they would then be able to go in and surgically remove it.
It is very hard to write this next statement, but Joanna very bravely asked him how much time she has if she does not respond well to the chemotherapy, and Dr. Chambers said less than a year. He followed it up with the hope that if she responds well there is hope for a much longer time, and it is even possible for a cure.
Please pray for clear minds and for God's leading in the direction that will be given to us tomorrow from the oncologist. Especially keep Mick and Beverly Jackson, Joanna's parents, in prayer as this is very difficult on them. Above all, pray that Joanna will have the peace that passeth understanding as she travels through this trial, and may we all remind her that she is not traveling alone.
Your friend in Manitou Springs,
Pastor Dan Parton
"Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me."
Psalm 119:133
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Dear Online Friends,
I wanted to send you one more update on Joanna Jackson before prayer meeting this evening. One small correction on the previous updates; the cancerous tumor is located in her rectum, not her colon. To whatever extent, it is operable. However, as I said before, the cancer has spread to the lung and liver and are inoperable. We have a consultation with the surgeon Thursday morning (tomorrow, January 19) to discuss the situation and any options that may be available.
Some of you know Joanna personally. Others of you know her only via the materials you receive from me. She corrects all the errors I make grammatically, spelling-wise, and "punctuationally" when I type out a sermon outline. (You should be grateful!)
She needs our prayers.
Thank you.
Pastor Dan Parton
"Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me."
Psalm 119:133
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Dear Online Friends,
I just heard from Joanna. The tumor has spread to her liver and lungs. He called it a late-stage (stage 4) cancer that is incurable and inoperable. However, they are going to schedule a surgery to remove what they can of the tumor located in her colon. The lungs and liver will remain as they are.
No further prognosis has been offered at this point, and this is all the information that I have at this time. If you wish, I will keep you posted.
Joanna is in need of all our prayers. Thank you.
Pastor Dan Parton
"Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me."
Psalm 119:133
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Dear Online Friends,
Please pray for Joanna Jackson, my secretary of 19+ years. She has been suffering for a while now with some serious abdominal pain. She went in for a colonoscopy and upper GI this morning, and they found a sizable tumor in her colon. The doctor believes it is cancerous. She was sent immediately for a CT scan to determine if it has spread.
It is now 2:16 PM MST. The doctor is supposed to call her within the hour to discuss the results of the CT scan. I will write again when I hear from her.
Thank you for any prayers you may offer on her behalf.
Your friend in Manitou Springs,
Pastor Dan Parton
"Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me."
Psalm 119:133